RefShare is a module, or part, of RefWorks that allows you to easily share a folder of references, or your entire RefWorks account.
In your RefWorks account, RefShare is accessible by clicking on the Share tab, located near the middle of the page.
You can share a folder by clicking on the Share Folder icon next to the name of the folder you want to share...

...Or you can share your entire database by clicking the Share Entire Database icon.

Clicking on Share Folder will bring you to the Shared Folder Options page where you have many choices on how you want to share your research (Click on the images below to enlarge):
- Notice on the page that there is a drop-down menu of Shared Folders. This drop-down lets you easily switch between the Shared Folder Options pages for all shared folders in your database.
- Next you'll see a URL created specifically for your folder (or database). This URL is what you give to others to access your shared research.
- You can also give your folder a title and provide some descriptive information, which can be helpful to other accessing your research.
- Clicking on the link will let you preview your shared folder (it's also what others will see when they view your folder).
- You can also set permissions for your folder and enable certain features...You decide if others can export, print or generate a bibliography from your references. You can even limit the number of references that can be exported, printed or used in a bibliography.
- You can Allow Users to Post Comments on References and even opt to Receive E-mails when a comment is posted. This feature allows the people viewing your research to easily provide feedback on a reference-by-reference basis.
- You can choose to be notified when anyone posts a comment to your references.
- RSS Feeds from your account can also be shared.
- Lower down on the screen, you will need to select at least one Output Style Options. These are the citation formats you can choose from.
- After you have selected all of your Shared Folder Options, click Save at the bottom of the page.

You can also access Statistics for your shared folders. The link,
, is accessible after clicking on the Share tab, located under the toolbar.