Art Reference books are looked on the 2nd Floor next to the Reference Desk. The Library of Congress classification for Art begin wit the letter N; look for the N section to locate Art books. A selected list of titles are below:
There are several options for searching for print and electronic books using the following options:
OneSearch - Search the CUNY+ Online Catalog to find books, articles, multimedia materials, and other resources.
Ebsco E-books - Ebsco E-Books provides access to your library’s eContent collection. eContent is the digital version of books, journals, and database content. You can access your library’s eContent 24 hours a days, seven days a week. Please note that you must create an account on campus in order to use away from campus.
CLICS - CUNY Libraries Intra Campus Delivery Services (CLICS) allows CUNY students, faculty and staff to request circulating books and cd’s from the collections of other CUNY libraries. These deliveries will be taken to the QCC Library per your request.
Interlibrary Loan - Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a service whereby QCC students, faculty, and staff may obtain library materials that are not owned by the Kurt R. Schmeller Library or at any other CUNY library.
Worldcat - World catalog (Worldcat) is a national catalog that QCC students, faculty, and staff to search for any book and identify its location in any library in the world.