A flipped library classroom alters the typical teaching model in that some class content is first delivered outside of class through tutorials/worksheets. The embedded librarian can be the contact to answer any questions that students have after viewing tutorials or answering worksheets.
The library session is then spent applying this content through exercises and discussion. Most library classes already have a “hands-on” section at the end for research; flipping expands and deepens the quality of this time.
After the library class, the embedded librarian can be the point person for any research/citation issues a student may have, for the rest of the semester.
Locate an article about an aspect of the Civil Rights Era that interests/concerns you using the Academic Search Complete Database. Write a ½ -1 page summary of the article, bring to class and be prepared to discuss.
You will find a tutorial for this database in the EN101 Resources link on BlackBoard:
EN 101 Resources --> Articles and Databases --> Academic Search Complete Tutorial.
If you have any questions or are not sure about using the database after viewing the tutorial contact your librarian.
We will have a library class on March 23rd in the Library to find additional resources for your paper on the Civil Rights Era. To make the most use of the class, there are some videos and handouts in the EN 101 Resources site to complete in time for the class:
EN101 Resources --> Articles & Databases --> “Developing Keywords” Tutorial
EN101 Resources --> Research Process --> “Develop Keywords & related Terms” Handout
If you have any questions or are not sure about using the database after viewing the tutorial contact your librarian.
EN 101 Resources MAIN SITE
Is It Scholarly? Handout
Library Database Search Tips Video Tutorial
Locate Books Guide on the Side
Please contact me with any questions or suggestions:
Four Quick Flips College & Research Libraries - Discusses the library faculty's experience flipping their library classes - the mechanics of a flipped library class, activities in a flipped library class, and lessons learned.
Flipping the Classroom Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching - A good overview of flipped classes in action, including: components of a flipped class, research, outcomes of flipped learning and further references.
Doctoral Study on Flipped Classrooms Concordia University - Very important caveat to the glut of information surrounding flipped clasrooms. Dr. Jeremy Renner found no significant differenced between pre and post scores in students who did and didn't participate in a flipped class, but "“It is the opinion of the co-investigators that this is not a result of the flipped method of instruction, but rather a failed attempt at the flipped method of instruction." Dr. Renner, a supporter of the flipped model, outlines guidelines for a sucessful flip.
Randomized Controlled Trials (RTC's) - There is a dearth of RTC research on flipped classroom instruction. Hopefully, there will be more RTC research - on flipping and other educational interventions - in the future.