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Kupferberg Holocaust Center-NEH Book: Approaches to Mass Atrocity Education in Community Colleges: Chapter 13

"Humanistic Pedagogy Across the Disciplines": An edited volume featuring insights from QCC faculty members who incorporated the Kupferberg Holocaust Center's resources into their classrooms

Chapter 13: Trust No Scorn on the Page and No Hate in the Frame: Deconstructing Hate Speech and Empowering Tolerance in English 101

About the Chapter:

This chapter describes one effort to integrate the critical consumption of hate texts, the objectives of introductory composition (ENGL-101) courses, and Holocaust and genocide education at Queensborough Community College, CUNY. Designed in an inclusive faculty working group, the effort culminated in a project that can now be used by any ENGL-101 instructor to guide students through the examination and reversal of hate propaganda in children’s books. Included with this project are exercises in textual interpretation and evaluation, as well as assignments that invite students to create mirror images of propaganda to promote tolerance and understanding. This chapter focuses on the empowering potential of these exercises and assignments, as well as the impact of pedagogy groups in engaging adjunct faculty in the design and implementation of such efforts.

About the Author:

Barbara K. Emanuele, M.A. is an Adjunct Lecturer of English at Queensborough Community College, CUNY. She has served as an educator and an administrator in CUNY for over twenty years. Her focus is on composition instruction to students in an urban setting.