The Library has two book scanners for use by QCC students with an activated QCC ID card only. In order to use a scanner, students must request a special key at the Reserve Desk. The key is loaned for 30 minutes.
A waiting list is maintained and a digital screen in the Reserve area notifies those waiting that the key is available for the next person on the list. Students are not allowed to sign on to the waiting list more than once. After a student has used the scanner and returned the key, he is allowed to add his name to the bottom of the waiting list.
Students must bring their own flash drives to save scanned material.
Students using the scanners are reminded that they must consent to copyright laws. Scanning whole books or large parts of books is forbidden by copyright law. Copying selected pages or a chapter from a book or an article from a journal for your personal educational use is generally considered Fair Use. Students are limited to making one copy of whatever is needed. Making multiple copies to share with classmates is a violation of copyright law. Scanning or photocopying an entire copyrighted book is a violation of copyright law.
Only one person at a time may use a scanner. Those who are waiting should sit at a nearby table or stand quietly in the area. Crowding the person using the scanner or using the scanner with another person may cause the scanner to malfunction.