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Research 101: R101 Classes

You can take the Research 101 Certificate Course either in-person or online. 

If you have any questions about this course, or need research help for your assignment, please contact Professor Neera Mohess at or 717-281-5067.



In the Research 101 Certificate session you will learn how to:

  • Pick and refine a topic
  • Locate credible information (scholarly & non-scholarly) on the web
  • Locate books & articles in QCC databases and OneSearch
  • Create and format an MLA Works Cited page

Only one session is required. The dates/times are in the attached flyer and you can register here.

Location: L311

PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY – We cannot accommodate latecomers.



To self-enroll in the Brightspace Research 101 Certificate Course, follow these steps:

  1. Click this link:
  2. You will be prompted to log into Brightspace
  3. Locate the Research 101 Course and click "enroll"