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ENGL 101 Petrone: Evaluating Web Resources

Criteria for Evaluating Web Resources

The CRAP Test- Criteria for evaluating websites*

CRAP stands for Currency, Reliability, Authority, and Purpose/ Point of View





How recent is the information?

When is the last time the website updated?


☐ Yes

☐ No


Are there spelling or grammatical errors?

Are references or citations provided?


☐ Yes

☐ No


Who is author?

What are the author’s credentials or organizational affiliations?

Who is the publisher or the sponsor the website?


☐ Yes

☐ No

Purpose/ Point of View

Is it objective or biased? Is the information fact or opinion?

What is the agenda of the website? Trying to sell something or advocating group’s point of view?

Who is intended audience?


☐ Yes

☐ No


*Meriam Library, California State University, Chio (

Google Search Tips

 Top Five Helpful Google Search Tips

1. Use quotations for phrase searching: "global warming"

2. Limit search results within a site or domain: "global warming" or site:gov

3. Limit search results within a specific time frame: Click "Tools" and choose "custom range"

4. Expand your search results using OR: "global warming" OR "climate change" 

5. Exclude words using a minus symbol (-): Javascript -coffee