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EN101 Prof. Mann: Evaluating Sources

The PACAC Method of Evaluating a Source

The PACAC Method (Quartiello and Devine)



Why was this source created?  What was the intent of the creator (i.e., inform, instruct, educate, entertain, inspire, promote a cause or product, persuade, make money, etc.)

Website – is it a personal page or an organizational site? 

Who was this created for?  Who is the intended audience?


Who created this source?

                Academic affiliation

                Academic or other degrees

                Other sources created by this person

                Life experience does this creator have that would make him/her an expert

                Other credentials

                Primary or Secondary

                                Primary = actual observations or experiences of the creator

                                Secondary = the creator uses and interprets primary sources; does not use firsthand

experiences or observation


                As related to your topic


                Is it correct?

                Misspellings / grammatical errors

                Inaccuracies (false information)

                Citations or references of other works used by the creator


                Does it meet your informational need?

                Does it answer the main questions you have?




Based on Quaratiello, Arlene R. and Jane Devine. The College Student’s Research Companion: Finding, Evaluating, and Citing the Resources You Need to Succeed. 5th ed. New York: Neal-Schuman, 2011. Print.